Prices of parts, speed of delivery, prices of services, top issues – this is a survey for garage repair shops

01 Mar 2023

Garage representatives are encouraged to participate in the market survey. The survey will take less than five minutes to complete. It is worth doing it now!

This survey is carried out in many European countries, so it will be very interesting to compare the results.

We will publish the results, free of charge, shortly after the survey is completed.

Prices of parts, speed of delivery, prices of services, top issues - this is a survey for garage repair shops

The type of business of the company you represent: *

In your opinion, the number of garages in the next 2 years: *

What are the most important problems of repair garages (tick the 2 most important)? *

Mark minimum 2 and maximum 2 answers.

In your opinion, has the number of customers in workshops over the last year: *

The products you would recommend to your customers in the first instance are: *

What are your main considerations when choosing car repair parts (tick the 3 most important ones)? *

Mark minimum 3 and maximum 3 answers.

Has the company changed its price for services (per man-hour) in 2022 compared to the previous year? *

How often does the company service or repair hybrid/electric vehicles? *

Is servicing and repairing hybrid / electric vehicles now a profitable business? *

What percentage of parts purchased are used parts? *


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