Tire Manufacturer Collaborates with Truck Brand: Integration of Both Companies’ Apps

12 Aug 2024

Goodyear proposes fleet managers integrate its DriverHub application with the platform of one of the truck manufacturers. This will allow real-time access to tire data, among other things. The solution aims to reduce the risk of breakdowns.

Goodyear DriverHub and Volvo Trucks’ My Business Apps Platform

My Business Apps is a subscription-based service offered by Volvo Trucks. The service enables the download of business applications from multiple providers directly to the side display in the vehicle’s cabin. This eliminates the need for additional smartphones and tablets. The service has been available for all vehicles produced since the second half of the first quarter of 2021, equipped with this display.

DriverHub, on the other hand, is designed to assist with tire management, working in conjunction with other Goodyear solutions such as TMPS, CheckPoint, and DrivePoint.

Piotr Czyżyk, Managing Director of Goodyear Fleet Mobility for the EMEA region, stated:
“The integration of Goodyear DriverHub with the Volvo Trucks My Business Apps is an important step towards optimizing fleet management through advanced tire monitoring solutions. Our digital application provides drivers and fleet managers with access to key tire data, helping them make informed decisions, leading to better performance, lower costs, and achieving sustainability goals.”

Goodyear DriverHub within the My Business Apps will allow for real-time tire monitoring, identifying anomalies in tire pressure and temperature readings, sending alerts to the driver, and enabling predictive maintenance, which means the ability to detect pressure loss early with a distinction between slow and rapid loss. This allows drivers to respond quickly to potential problems.

Annelie Norhav, Product Manager at Volvo Trucks, commented:
“My Business Apps is a new element of our digital offering within Volvo Connect. Thanks to cooperation with various service providers, we can provide both customers and their drivers with a broader range of functions in the vehicles. This means that customers can utilize existing hardware and connectivity in their Volvo trucks, improving the driver’s work environment in the cabin.”


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