New, sustainable business premises offer KAVO space for ambitious plans for the future

15 Nov 2022

Mid 2023, KAVO B.V. will move into a new warehouse and office to be built in Apeldoorn. Construction company Aan de Stegge from Twello is taking on the new construction project on the Apeldoorn Noord II business park. The property, which is located in a unique location directly along the highway and on a busy access road, is expected to be ready for use at the end of June next year.

Growth ambitions

KAVO has been a supplier of car parts for more than 35 years. The company, which has been based in Apeldoorn since the beginning, is a specialist for Asian cars, electric cars and shock absorbers for all car brands. The company has experienced tremendous growth in recent decades. “In the beginning we only supplied filters from Japan for the Dutch aftermarket, we are now active in more than 85 countries worldwide. Today, our range consists of more than 33 product groups and continues to grow,” says Peter Bloemberg, one of the two owners of KAVO and responsible for Sales and Marketing. “We are ambitious, we want to expand significantly in, among other things, parts for electric vehicles. In our current building we are outgrowing ourselves, in the new building we can realize all our plans for the future.”

Modern, high-quality and sustainable

The new building consists of 10,000 m2 of industrial space, of which 1080 m2 office. The vast majority of the surface goes to warehouse space. Herald Nijenhuis, the other owner of KAVO and responsible for Operations, explains; “We are going from 8,000 pallet places to 25,000. But that’s not all; in our new building we will have high-tech logistics solutions that allow us to work many times more efficiently. And for us, the future is not only about growth, we also consider sustainability to be an important aspect. The new building will receive a GPR Building score of 8.0. This means that we score very high in the areas of Energy, Environment, Health, User quality and Future value. For example, the solar panels ensure that we generate all the energy we consume ourselves.”

KAVO new warehouse and office will have a high-quality and luxurious appearance. Due to the unique location along the highway, high requirements are set for the environmental permit. “Partly because of this, we will soon have a beautiful modern building, state of the art in terms of sustainability, with which we are completely ready for the future. We are very proud that the first shovel is going into the ground and can’t wait to move into our new building,” concludes Herald Nijenhuis.


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